DC Comics, as you know, hasn't always matched that of Marvel when it comes to connecting to an audience. Such as recently, the "Zack Snyderverse" as I would call it, but it's Wonder Woman--her first solo feature film from a promising female director--that definitely proves as a save for the DC cinematic universe.
It starts as princess Diana grows up watching the Amazonian woman train to fight in the peaceful land of Themyscira, and has herself trained to be a stronger, maybe the strongest warrior. Soon Chris Pine's Steve Trevor crash-lands into their place, and he tells Diana about what goes on in World War 1, in which she knows in her heart she has to help and do what's right. They travel to England where it becomes a fish out of water story for Diana until she enters a war zone and goes full Wonder Woman on German forces, and I'd be like, "Yeah! Try to do that, Black Widow!"
We've seen many superhero films like this, but Gal Gadot seems to shed that kind of light and charm into her role, we see how she aspires to fight along her team in a new world and not in a way that one gender should be superior to the other, because that's not what this is about, and it's how she gives inspiration for all. that's why I have more respect and praise for Wonder Woman. I'd add it's "wonderful" but seems a bit obvious by now, and overall it makes us a little more confident about the future of the Justice League. A-